"Somehow we found the resources to save her life, that's what they always do inside the front door. If necessary, racing against time, sparing no expenses, employing cutting-edge technology to preserve a tiny life. Less than 1,000 feet away, a few floors down and one wing over, inside the back door, tiny lives are quietly and efficiently destroyed. That's what they always do behind the back door." (From the Story of the Two Doors, by Matt and Julie Woodley)"We must begin to separate the heinous act of abortion, which is worthy of our hatred, from the post-abortive woman who is a person like the rest of us: prone to make irrational decisions under pressure, especially when deluged by a torrent of misguided counsel masquerading as wisdom. The one is societal cancer that needs to be expunged, the other a precious resource that needs our nurture and assistance." (From Post-Abortion Trauma: The Silent Side of Abortion
Post Abortion Trauma-The Silent Side of Abortion
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