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The Need 

     Everyday the equivalent of 35 Double Decker bus loads of men, women and children are trafficked in the U.S and abroad. These victims are forced into sexual servitude and forced labor.


 • Human trafficking is the second most  

    profitable criminal industry after drug  


• Human trafficking is a global phenomenon

    that is fueled by poverty and gender


• During their bondage, a victim will be raped

    an average of 6,000 times.

• Their odds of rescue are 1/100.


These victims will continue to relive, in their minds, the trauma that was inflicted upon them over and over again. The chance of them integrating back into a normal life is next to impossible without professional help.

The audience

      This Christian curriculum was developed for use by counselors, safe homes, pastors and Christian organizations working to help restore survivors in their care. ng journey.

​​​​​​​"…to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness." Isaiah 42:7

The Curriculum


-  Is a results-based program.

- Can be used to train counselors who are in

    need of a successful Christ-centered  

    approach to sexual healing.

- Is relatable to the victims of human          


- Is in a DVD form for those who can’t read.

- Can be adapted to different cultures.


The Goal

     This curriculum is designed to minister to the victims of sexual abuse. It will help victims cope with their trauma and allow God’s healing from the torment that they experienced.

     The stronghold of shame is deep for those who have been sexually abused and trafficked. Victims often believe that their abuse marks them for life; that it’s their identity, that it defines who they are. It is very isolating; they feel different from others.


The author

     Julie is a survivor of numerous traumatic circumstances. She draws from personal experiences, and the healing she has found in Christ, to share hope and healing with other victims of trauma. Julie's story has been aired on various radio programs including:

     •  Of Faith and Family with Dr. Richard Land  

     •  Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson

     •  Unshackled by Pacific Garden Missions

     •  Moody Radio

     •  The 700 club 

     •  Life Today.


     Your investment will allow Julie to team up with other global organizations who help human trafficking victims but do not have the resources or programs to be able to counsel and share the healing love of God with these victims.


​​​​​​​We appreciate your donation, of any amount,

to help us create this much needed project!

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